OUTBACK LEATHER specializes in custom leather work. Taking proper measurements is essential for a great fitting pair of chaps so they’ll need you to come in for accurate fitting. Please don’t hesitate to call or email Ron with any questions you may have.
- Millers
- Eisers
- Foxwood Mfg
- Fidos for Freedom
- Montgomery Co. Motor & Mounted Police
- PG County Motor Police
- Smithsonian Institute
- Spy Museum
- U.S. Capital Police
- U.S. Federal Police
- U.S. Park Police

Motorcycle clubs riding for charity
MISSION: Committed to Raising Money For The Children Of Police Officers And Firefighters Killed In The Line of Duty and Fallen Military Member Families.
The Hogs and Heroes Foundation is a community of motorcycle riders that support Public Safety, the U.S. Military and Wounded Warriors. We sponsor and hold fundraising events for various Public Safety, U.S. Military and Wounded Warrior Charities. We perform Honor Missions for fallen Police Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Workers, Members of the Military killed in Combat Operations and U.S. Military Veterans. We plan and participate in fun rides and events and we participate in fundraisers, fun rides and events of other charitable organizations. We strive to set an example of good Citizenship for the youth of our Nation.
ROAD DIVAS USA - Helping needy children & families
MISSION: Babes on bikes assisting as many needy children & families as possible.
They are the real-life cast of Road Divas USA, a reality television program capturing the excitement and thrill of being a woman in control of hefty horsepower on two wheels with it magical sound of the roar.
Frankie Lowery-Tomlinson, aka “Torch,” is a Washingtonian debutante and former runway model. Founder ofthe club in 1999, proving real ladies DO ride motorcycles.
These are not your garden-variety “biker chicks.” The Road Divas USA are professional women, many of them leaders in their field. They join up to ride for charity: assisting children, homeless & providingsupport for one another through illnesses and other challenges, and raising money for a variety of causes benefiting USA cities and countries worldwide.